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Words of Kindness and Their Impact on Ministry

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Pastor William's September 2023 Newsletter Note on Kind Words That Spur Others On

As we’ve been in discussions of late here at the church regarding our Student Ministry Director position, I have been recalling my call by Starnes Cove to be your Youth Director back in 2009. Back then I was 21 and eager to serve, excited about the prospect of helping in my home church and pretty nervous too. It was an exciting time and an intimidating one as well.

But what helped most of all were people who came along side to encourage. I have said it before and will again, I didn’t have any idea what I was doing. It was clunky and included a new idea every week (many that started strong and fizzled out). But in the middle of all that were people who offered words of kindness.

One man in our church told me he would have my back privately and publicly no matter what as long as I followed the Lord. Another defended me when others grumbled about my youthful efforts. One woman told me she believed God was at work in bringing me to the role. Another told me she prayed for me every morning and would all the days the Lord allowed her to live.

Each one of these words helped to encourage and sustain me, especially in those delicate days when I was learning to grow in confidence. These people reminded me that my value was not connected to my output. That my worth wasn’t based on my actions. And that there was grace and mercy as I was learning to grow – and trust me, a lot of that was needed in those early years – and maybe even in these later ones!

Today, I’ve been made better for all that kindness. It helped me to learn that God defines my worth, that I have something to offer because of Him, and that my output doesn’t give me value, because Christ does. Psalm 139:13-14 tells us this “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

I don’t know what you are facing today, but I know this – God loves you and has defined you as worth saving. And He has called you to remind others of this truth about them too. So, encourage those around you as you are encouraged by the truth of God’s word. And do that here at Starnes Cove with all the opportunities that lie ahead! Wednesday Night Suppers start up again this month, and our fall time calendar will be full of all kinds of other opportunities you can see inside. Do not miss out, and join us as God uses you here!

See you soon!




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