When Sheila and I returned to Starnes Cove, we were also in the middle of searching for a place to live that was nearby. It just so happened that one of our church members was looking for someone to rent her home, Rosalee Reeves. Rosalee had recently moved into a nursing facility, and she was gracious in allowing us to move into her place. It was such a gift to us in way of convenience and location and we were so grateful.
Well in time the Lord would call Rosalee into heaven, and of course, she is dearly missed here at the church. I counted her as a personal encourager since my childhood, and I know I’m not alone. Her family for a time continued to extend kindness to us by allowing us to rent the home. And when the time came they sold it to us as well, for which we remain grateful. It’s a great home, situated on some great land with wonderful trees and some good landscaping.
And as Sheila and I have gotten settled in, we have been thinking through the yard, and how we would like it to best meet our family’s needs. For us, our home is a bit of a respite, so having some quiet to rest in means a lot. We both enjoy the outdoors as well, so having good foliage is something we both value too. One great asset of this yard, is evidently Rosalee and her husband John valued these things too. Because all around the house there are some nice bushes, two nice trees right in the front yard, and a good dense tree line in the back. It’s such an asset to have, and I’m grateful for the care they took over this home and yard. Sheila and I hope to do the same knowing one day someone else might live here.
So, as we make this home our own, we are beginning to do a bit of our own landscaping. We’ve planted a few new bushes this year, and hope to do more in the next few years. Many of the bushes and trees that are already here we plan to keep. And a few of the bushes that the Reeves had planted were in locations where we desired something else, so we’ve transplanted them to try and keep the good they’ve offered. We’re honoring the Reeve’s hard work and care, while also building upon it to help meet our needs now; A bit more greenery and a little more respite from the busyness of life.
There is something important to say about honoring people – Romans 12:10 says “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” It’s important that we recognize the investment of those around us as their faithfulness brings God glory. And it’s upon that faithfulness that we are to build. Proverbs 4:25 says “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” We are always to be looking ahead, staying faithful to God in our own lives, and preparing for what’s coming ahead of us. And that includes in the life of the church – honor and adapt always.
We are in a unique time in the life of Starnes Cove. We see all around us the investment of many from the past and the present. We thank God for it, knowing it is why we are where we are today. And we also obey our God in putting our gaze before us, preparing prayerfully and thoughtfully for what’s ahead. Like when I transplanted that holly bush last week. I’m honoring Rosalee’s care and investment, but moving it to a spot that makes a bit more sense for our needs. And I assume one day when we’re gone, something else will go there. Honoring the past and moving forward. This is the way of the church and certainly the Christian life – honor and adapt always.
Be sure to take some time to check out the vision notes on the next page, and check out the events that lay ahead. There you’ll see more ways we are honoring and adapting together. Our Trunk-R-Treat outreach will be coming up at the end of the month – take part however you are able. And be sure to join us for services this month as we continue to dive into Mark together. I look forward to worshipping with you here, as brothers and sisters in faith.
Honoring and adapting with you,
Pastor William